It's natural for parents to be anxious about their children's future. 父母为儿女前途操心,是人之常情。
John was adopted as a baby, he never knew his natural parents. 约翰在婴儿时就被人领养,他从不认识亲生父母。
The natural loving care that kindly parents give their children. 慈爱双亲给予孩子们的那种出于天性的爱护备至。
It is natural for teenagers to rebel against their parents. 青少年反抗父母的现象是很正常的。
It's natural for parents to love their children, and cookie's nice enough, but her father dotes on her beyond all measure. 父母疼爱儿女固乃人之常情,况乎库姬又挺讨人喜欢,只是她父亲对她也溺爱太堪了。
The natural parents of the child. 生父不明的孩子。
He said he knew nothing about his natural parents. 他说他对自己的亲生父母一无所知。
The principle that a person's nationality at birth is the same as that of his natural parents. 一个人出生时的国籍应和他的父母的国籍一样的法律规则。
The "parents" referred to in this Law include natural parents and adoptive parents, as well as step-parents who supported or were supported by the decedent. 本法所说的父母,包括生父母、养父母和有扶养关系的继父母。
There is a natural bond between parents and their children which should be respected even if the parents are non Muslims. 在父母与他们的子女间有一种与生俱来的联系,这种联系应该得到尊重,即使父母不是穆斯林。
It's perfectly natural for parents to feel protective towards their children, even when tidy hate grown up. 家长对孩子爱护备至是非常自然的,甚至在他们长大成人之后。
He felt that he was too mundane, and simply not good enough for natural beauty of her parents, and both are high-level cadres. 他觉得他太平凡了,根本配不上天生丽质父母又都是高干的她。
Children rejected by their natural parents. 被生身父母所抛弃的孩子。
How would you feel if you found out today you were adopted when you were a baby? Would you try to find your natural parents? 如果你今天突然发现自己其实是在儿时被收养的话,你会试图去寻找你的亲身父母吗?
It's natural for children to keep some secrets from their parents. 孩子有秘密不告诉父母是很正常的。
Natural parents must furnish adequate spending money with will cover the expense of the student's school material, toiletries, entertainment, transportation, school lunches, etc. 亲生父母必须供给足够的钱来负责学生的学习用品,化妆品,娱乐活动,交通,学校中餐等等开支。
There is nothing more natural than a child's belief in his parents. 没有任何事情比孩子对他父母的信赖更为自然。
She is trying to find out who her natural parents are. 她试图弄清楚她的生身父母是谁。
USA3H-Fund strongly discourages exchange students from making or receiving frequent telephone calls or faxes to pr from natural parents or friends in home country. USA3H合作的基金会不鼓励学生过于频繁地接或打电话或者发传真给亲生父母或者在家乡的朋友。
These children spend time in care before returning to their natural parents or being adopted. 这些孩子在回到亲生父母身边或被领养之前需要花时间加以照顾。
Ordered by a court which legally transfers the rights of the natural parents to the adoptive parents 由法院发出的将亲生父母权转让给收养父母的命令
I guess it's natural for parents to cry on their kid's first day of school. 作为父母为孩子再小的第一天而祈祷,我想这是很自然的事情。
The results show: Male students, freshmen, natural science students and those with higher educated parents tend to spend long time on line every week, and be high Internet addiction. 结果表明:男生、大一学生、理科生及父母教育程度为大学以上者的上网时数多,成瘾倾向高。
Distinguish Natural Sources out of Secular Equilibrium with Their Parents or Daughters in Gamma Ray Spectrum Analyses γ谱测量中非长期平衡的识别
Because of insufficient natural endowment caused by various reasons of parents, life is shorter; 人身源于父母,禀赋于先天,若由于父母的各种原因导致下一代先天禀赋不足,则容易造成其寿命相对较短;
Developing children's problems from the level of family connections to human connections, Lu Xun thought that the relations between father and son was a natural and equal ethics connection and parents are duty bound to cultivate children. 鲁迅把儿童问题从家族关系发展到人类关系的高度上,认为父子关系是一种自然平等的伦理关系,父母对子女具有不可推卸的责任。
Family education for college students has a natural advantage of kinship, family education for parents should also play a role in moral cultivation for college students. 大学生家庭教育有着天然血缘关系的优势,父母更应该发挥家庭教育在大学生品德培养方面的作用。